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Seznam písní

I say a little prayer for you / Seju vítr do tvejch snů/ - 1968 - 2:43

Hudba: Burt Bacharach
Text:  H. David

The moment I wake up
Before I put on my makeup
I say a little prayer for you
And when I´m combing my hair now
And wondering what dress to wear now
I say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever
You'll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever and ever
We´ll never be part
Oh how I'll love you
Together, together
That's how it will be
To live without you
Would only be heartbreak for me

I run for the bus dear
And when I´m in I think of us dear
I say a little prayer for you
At work I just take time
And all through my coffee break time
I say a little prayer for you

Forever and ever
You'll stay in my heart
And I will love you

Forever and ever
We´ll never be part
Oh how I'll love you
Together, together
That's how it will be
To live without you
Would only be heartbreak for me

Forever and ever
You'll stay in my heart
And I will love you
Forever and ever
We´ll never be part
Oh how I'll love you
Together, together
That's how it will be
To live without you
Would only be heartbreak for me

My darling believe me
For me there is no one
But you
Please love me too
This is my prayer

I do my prayer, my baby
This is my prayer
I do my prayer, my baby
I'm in love with you
Answer my prayer, my baby
Answer my prayer, my baby

Vyšlo na:
1969 - LP -2.ČS Beat Line- 1130-607

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